Best Number of Gummy Bears After Workout?

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Written By Nicolette
Nicolette has been a certified dietician and nutritionist for over ten years, whose work has been featured in the likes of Reader’s Digest, Eat This, Not That, Everyday Health, and Shape. She believes in emphasizing a holistic approach toward food and nutrition.

Experts have agreed that gummy bears can help you exponentially after a workout. But since these are sugary snacks, it’s easy to forget and overeat. How many gummy bears to eat after a trip to the gym? 

After your workout, consuming a handful of gummy bears, or roughly 16 to 26 Haribo gold bears, may have a positive impact. A small packet of gummy bears will also provide the perfect amount of glucose and carbs for your post-workout recovery. 

So there you have it- throw away the salad, and hand me a packet (or maybe two) of gummy bears! If you’re looking for ways to get healthier while building up your body, you can still eat sweets without gaining weight. In the rest of this article, we’ll explain how many gummy bears you should eat after a workout and their benefits. 

gummy bears post-workout

What Are the Benefits of Eating Gummy Bears Post-Workout?

The breakdown of glucose from glycogen is necessary to produce ATP, which is necessary for muscle contractions. Gummy bears, with their high-glycemic carbohydrates, may be an effective way to restore your body’s glycogen levels.

Glycogen is the primary fuel source for high-intensity exercise, and when glycogen stores become depleted, performance can suffer.

According to the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM), consuming 0.5-0.7 grams of carbohydrates per pound of body weight within 30 minutes of exercising can help to optimize glycogen replenishment. Carbohydrates with a high glycemic index, such as glucose, are quickly absorbed by the body, which can aid in the replenishment of glycogen stores.

It is also important to note that post-workout nutrition should include both carbohydrates and protein, as protein is important for muscle repair and recovery after exercise.

How Many Gummy Bears After a Workout?

It seems wrong to head for a packet of sugary treats after spending thirty minutes or an hour on an intense workout. However, certain sweets, such as gummy bears, are precisely what your body needs. But to see results in your body, you must eat the right amount.

Fitness expert and bodybuilder Dr. Jim Stoppani headed to TikTok to support this after-gym snack. In his video, Stoppani states you need about 30 to 60 grams of carbohydrates post-workout. 

The nutrition facts on a Haribo Gold Bears bag say that a serving has 100 calories and 23 carbs. The serving size recommends 13 bears per serving. 

Using Dr. Stoppani’s range with the Haribo serving size means you should eat around 16 to 26 Haribo gummy bears. However, each body is different. While a bigger, bodybuilder male might eat 26 or more gummy bears and be fine, a more petite physiqued woman may need less.

What are the Best Gummy Beers to Eat, And will Any Sweets Work?

Just because experts have proved gummy bears are a great post-workout snack does not mean you have a green light to dive into candy land. Not all sweets are equal. Not even all gummy bears are created equal!

Sweets with more glucose/dextrose are better than those that rely more heavily on fructose. If you choose a sweet treat to eat immediately after working out that lists fructose or sugar above dextrose, your body must work to convert the fructose to glucose.

This conversion will not help your muscles after a workout. 

Instead, you should look for a sweet snack, like Haribo, that lists dextrose or corn syrup (not to be confused with high-fructose corn syrup) at the top.

Haribo is the brand choice for most fitness enthusiasts. That is because of their high amount of glucose- listed as dextrose on the package. 

Your brand of gummies will slightly influence the number you should consume post-workout. While a Haribo Golden Bear serving for recovery is 16 to 26 bears, Trolli Sour Brite Crawlers allows you 10 to 16 gummy worms. 

Why Do Gummy Bears After Workout Make a Great Post-Workout Snack?

Gummy bears are a great post-workout snack because of their high carbs. 

Stoppani states in his video that the fastest way to recover well is by consuming carbs like your blood sugar. Consuming something similar to your blood sugar means eating sweets with glucose, also called dextrose. 

While working up, sweat diminishes your body’s glycogen levels- stored in your muscles. To recover well, you need to restore glycogen levels. Doing so will kickstart your recovery and help you reach goals faster. 

They are also easy to carry around with you. You can easily keep a packet of gummy bears in your gym bag, making it an easy and tasty snack to reward yourself with post-workout. 

How soon should I eat gummy bears after a workout?

When you eat will matter almost as much as what you eat after a workout. 

Stoppani recommends eating your ideal amount of gummies immediately after working out. The sooner you eat them, the quicker your body can recover. For bodybuilders, consuming gummy bears immediately after working out will contribute to muscle growth in the body-building process. 

Sometimes, you may not be hungry right after working up a sweat. If you need to wait a little bit, that is okay. Ideally, you should eat anywhere from 45 minutes to two hours after a trip to the gym.

Should I eat anything else with gummy bears after a workout?

Unfortunately, gummies alone aren’t enough to help you refuel. You must add other foods with high protein into your post-workout diet to help your recovery and growth. 

Stoppani recommends consuming 30 to 40 grams of protein and 30 to 60 grams of carbs immediately after your sweat session. 

So while eating your 16 to 26 gummy bears, you should add protein-packed snacks like chicken, beans, or whey powder. 

Consider using protein powder to avoid mixing the sweet or sour gummy bear taste with something like beans or chicken. 


Can Gummy Bears be used as a Post-Workout Supplement?

It is important to replace glycogen post-workout as quickly and efficiently as possible. Researchers recommend the best way to replace muscle glycogen is to consume a fast-acting (high-glycemic) carbohydrate immediately after working out.

Bodybuilders prefer gummy bears because they are sweetened with ingredients like dextrose and corn syrup, which are fast-absorbing carbohydrates.

Are there any adverse effects to consuming gummy bears after your workout?

Eating too many gummy bears after working out may not be the best idea. They are high in sugar and don’t have the essential vitamins and nutrients your body needs to recover from a workout.

Overeating sugar can lead to health problems like weight gain, heart disease, and type 2 diabetes. Eating too many gummy bears can cause your blood sugar to spike and crash, leaving you tired and grumpy. 

What is the Best Post-Workout Supplement?

An excellent post-workout supplement should include protein and carbohydrates. Protein is important for helping your muscles repair and grow, and carbs help replenish your energy stores.

A popular choice is a protein shake or a bar with a good balance of protein and carbs. Another option is a protein and carbs supplement, such as a recovery drink.

How do gummy bears fit into a balanced post-workout nutrition plan?

Remember that gummy bears are high in sugar and lack essential nutrients such as protein, vitamins, and minerals that are important for muscle recovery and overall health.

While they may provide a quick source of carbohydrates, they do not provide the balance of nutrients necessary for proper post-workout recovery.

A balanced post-workout meal or snack should include a source of protein and carbohydrates, such as a protein shake or a turkey sandwich on whole wheat bread.

It’s also a good idea to include fruits and vegetables, which provide essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. 

What about CBD Gummy Bears?

CBD gummy bears are a type of gummy candy that contains cannabidiol (CBD), a compound found in the cannabis plant. CBD is a non-psychoactive compound, which means it does not produce the “high” associated with THC, the primary psychoactive compound found in cannabis. 

As for post-workout, there is no scientific evidence that CBD gummy bears are good post-workout. CBD is not considered a nutritional supplement and has no specific benefit for post-workout recovery.

It’s more important to focus on consuming a balanced meal or snack that includes protein and carbohydrates for post-workout recovery.

When is the Best Time to Consume Gummy Bears when Working Out?

Eating gummy bears before a workout is not recommended. They’re full of sugar and don’t have the proper nutrients your body needs to perform well during exercise. Plus, overeating sugar before a workout can make you feel tired and irritable during your workout.

It’s better to save gummy bears for after your workout. This way, you can replenish your energy stores and help your muscles recover with a balanced snack or meal with protein and carbs. But remember, gummy bears are not the best post-workout snack because they’re full of sugar and don’t have enough protein.

They can be used with a healthy post-workout nutrition plan – but not as a substitute.

Final Thoughts

The number of gummy bears you should consume after a workout depends on your body size, physique, muscle goals, and brand of gummies. However, you can safely assume you should eat anywhere from 16 to 26 Haribo gummy bears post-workout.

Eating the right amount of gummy bears after a workout does not put fat on you but instead helps you replenish your blood sugar levels in your depleted muscles. A great fast-digesting carbs hit.

However, not all gummies are equal. Check the back of your gummy bear bag to read the ingredients. Be sure only to eat the sweet treats with glucose, dextrose, or corn syrup listed ahead of sugar or fructose. 

Generally, you should add 30 to 40 grams of protein with your gummy bear snack to help round out your post-workout meal.

Supporting Research 

Caronia, L. M., et al. Abrupt Decrease in Serum Testosterone Levels After an Oral Glucose Load in Men: Implications for Screening for Hypogonadism. Clin Endocrinol (Oxf) 78(2):291-296, 2013.

Robergs, R. A., et al. Muscle glycogenolysis during differing intensities of weight-resistance exercise. Journal of Applied Physiology 70:1700-1706, 1991.

Casagrande Figueiredo, V. and Cameron-Smith, D. Is carbohydrate needed further to stimulate muscle protein synthesis/hypertrophy following resistance exercise? Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition. 10:42, 2013.

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Nicolette has been a certified dietician and nutritionist for over ten years, whose work has been featured in the likes of Reader’s Digest, Eat This, Not That, Everyday Health, and Shape. She believes in emphasizing a holistic approach toward food and nutrition.
